Marriage is What Brings Us Together...Last Saturday

One of my best friends, Daniel, is got married last Saturday, and I couldn't have been happier for him. In the past year quite of few of my best friend group have entered into eternal marriage, but my reaction to each of announcement of "big news" has varied. That is not to say any of my reactions were of the negative sort, quite the contrary...I was ecstatic every time. But still each one just felt different, because my relationship with each of my boys is very different (none of which are romantic). So it only seems right to not maintain one emotion. I may have called me the Ice Queen in high school, yet I can't claim to be a robot. Possibly the second greatest part about the weekend (obviously the wedding is the first) was seeing the group together once more.  For all we know, the occasion was more than likely the last of such reunions. Well if it was or wasn't our last hurrah I love and adore you all!


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