Saving Friends and Strengthening Friendships

The day started out with a 2 am text message, and no, it was not a booty call. It was a cry for help, okay it wasn't that dramatic, it was more (not exact conversation):

A: Hey are you awake?
B: Sadly yes. I am horrible at sleeping.
A: Yes you are, hence why we are soul sisters. Are you possibly still in STG?
B: I shall be in town for the remainder of the week. Why?
A: I am in need of some saving.
B: Oh no! From what? Or who?
A: Just from this kids house. My ride fell asleep and we got in a tiff so I don't want to wake him.
B: Then I shall make hast.
A: Kay Kay, see you soon.

If you are wondering why my text started to sound somewhat old fashion, the answer is a simple one...I was reading Pride & Prejudice at the time. Anyways, to make a long story short, I picked her up, drove her home, then we had an awesome chat about boys, life, and my ever nearing move to "Happy Valley," Utah. 

My "soul sister" and I are a peculiar pair. We used to be the best of friends at the beginning of my Junior year of high school, which was her sophomore year. We were crazy wild, but not in a naughty sort of way; There was no sex, drugs, and rock and roll for us (well there was a little rock and roll). For better or worse, we encompassed the meaning of reckless abandon. We said senseless things, made stupid moves, and loved every single minute of it. Come on, who wouldn't love demonstrating how to drop and roll out the moon roof of a moving vehicle? However, life happened, as it often does, and we slowly drifted apart. The rare occasions we happened to see each other were joyous ones. We could talk for hours, but it was clear we ran in very different circles. Here we are, years later finally reconnecting, with a friendship just as random as it was before. I rescue her, she accompanies me on a spontaneous midnight trip to Lake Powell, you know the usual sort of thing. It is reasons like these that reassure me that our friendship is a lasting one. Growing older might cause us to loose touch again, but that doesn't matter much: I'll still save her at 2 am if she needs me to.


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