The first taste of marvelous music comes by way of Dirty Projectors with their amazing song Knotty Pine. This song is currently the ring tone for all of my immediate family members, so when they call me I am instantly happy for two reasons: I get to hear Knotty Pines, and finally someone other than my boss has decided to call me. ENJOY!
And for an added bonus here is a live video of Dirty Projectors playing Knotty Pines celebrating the release of the "Dark Was the Night" compilation.
Random Note: I figured if I went with "Marvelous Music" and not "Music Monday" than I wasn't limiting myself to only sharing music on Monday. Maybe it is just me, but I usually listen to music everyday. So when the mood strikes me to share some tunes, I want to be free from all entanglement implied by a title like "Music Monday." End rant now!